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Perforemer Mime DANCER


She is a creative artist working with the body as the main means of expression. Her work calms, gazes, awakens passion, provokes life. It encourages you to live your own mystery of life and know how to play in it!

It moves between mime, dance and movement theater. Characteristic features of her work include suggestive physical expression, improvisation and experimentation.




Je tvoriaca umelkyňa pracujúca s telom ako hlavným vyjadrovacím prostriedkom. Jej tvorba ukludňuje, hľadí, prebúdza k vášni, provokuje k životu. Nabáda žiť vlastné mystérium života a vedieť sa v ňom hrať!

Pohybuje sa medzi mimickým, tanečným a pohybovým divadlom. Medzi charakteristické znaky jej tvorby patrí sugestívny fyzický prejav, improvizácia a experiment.  




2018-2021 The Academy of Performing Arts, ArtD, Theater Arts ,Bratislava


2014- 2016 The  Academy of  Performing Arts, Mg.A Pantomime, Prague

2014 Institut del Teatre, department of dance and mime theater , Barcelona

2017  Bharanatyam , Guru Jyothi Lekshmi, India




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